The title of my magazine is called 'THE BEAT' , I wanted it to stand out and be something which would grab the audience's attention.
I used forms and conventions of a real life media magazine such as my masthead, as i said its bold and clear so that the audience can easily find it when purchasing and also to bring the magazine out.
I feel that the colour scheme of my magazine all connects together and it looks professional, I feel it also links in which the genre of music.
The mis-en-scene of the props used in my shoots all connect to the genre, for example he is wearing a big gold chain, puffy red jacket and also in one sitting on a large speaker.
My media product also uses forms and conventions by the double page spread interview, in many magazines you will see an artist or celebrity being interviewed by somebody working at the magazine, i feel this worked very well for my magazine and gives an insight into the music and person.
On my front cover and contents page i also mention other music artsists which i feel is essential as a good magazine will advertise about other artists in the industry, to attract audience.
Through using photoshop i edited and cropped a few photos so that they would look better on my magazine and look professional and make the magazine look more real.
The aim is to make my magazine original and give customers information and want them to read on.
My media product represents particular social groups by my artist wearing clothes and props which connect with the hip hop and R&B genre.
My magazine 'The Beat' is similar to 'Vibe' magazine which consists of R&B celebrities. The new star Reegan is a well known R&B artist, similar to Chris Brown in that he is a bit of a bad boy around town.
Reegan is representative of young, white men who are similar to the London 'youth culture', where they dress in urban gangster style clothing and hang around in gangs and listen to music that would be considered offensive. Young people aged 15 - 22 would look up to Reegan as he is simlar to hip hop stars in todays media.
I also feel that Reegen is representative to many other social groups as R & B is a popular genre of music and many people in todays society will listen to it on TV and Radio.
My magazine targets this audience through the use of text, images, music and articles. Youths are bale to connect with it and associate themselves with my main image of Reegan.
In the media industry there are many media institutions which publish. During my research i looked at Bauer and IPC Media, i feel these are the best media companies.
Finding the right company to distribute your magazine is vital because it is how the product reaches the public and if the company is well known and popular it is most likely that the product you want distributed is going to be well knwon and be presented in a good way.
The final media instituation which i decided i would like to distribute my product is Bauer Media, this is because they distribute a range of different products and magazines such as a range of radio stations and magazines.
I also chose this as i wanted a media institution whcih was already targeting an R n B target audience so that my magazine would be recongnized easily and the audience which i want is already there, rather than me having to push harder to find my specified target audience.
Other magazines which are published by Bauer are Kerrang!, FHM and Mojo.
My magazine may be brought in local newsagent stores and also big stores such as WHSmith, this is so that my audience has a wide range of choices to buy my magazine and it is not limited to only a small target audience.
4.Who would be the audience for your media product?
The target audience for my magazine is aimed at both genders male and female and from the ages of 14-19. This is because most of replys i got from my survey was ranged between these ages and this teenage group will still be in education and big lovers of music.
I feel that by targeting this age group that my media product will fulfill its full potential and attract its intened audience, this is because the age group specified was interested in giving their opinions for my magazine and what they would like to see.
5.How did you attract/address your audience?
My first original idea to attract my audience was by sending out a survey from survey monkey, asking a variety of 10 questions including their favourite artist, genre and colours they would like to see appear in the magazine etc.
After this i gathered all the results together and figured out the most popular genre of music was R'n'B and Hip-Hop. From this i researched into artists in the industry and looked at magazines which cover the same genre and used the data to create my magazine.
I then had to think about the clothes in which my model would be wearing and the way that my magazine was layed out and presented, so that the intended target audience would be attracted to my media product.
When taking photos for my magazine my model posed in a variety of ways which went with the genre.
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Whilst completing my coursework i have learnt how to use professional camera's and hwo to use them so that my photos come out in a good high quality.
I feel i have also learnt certain skills in photoshop such as editing and making photos look better, by cropping and using various tools provided.
To get the best quality for my magazine, i would use google or youtube to get information on how to use photoshop a little bit better, for the best results.
7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
Firstly when I started out with my drafting and thinking of how i would like my magazine to look and come across, I felt that the task would be simple.
However I learnt it is a hard task to turn an idea and plain into an actual product which is of a high quality standard, I also learnt that the process can take some time depending on how good you want the outcome of your prodcut to be.
There are many steps to completing the final design such as research into audience, planning and drafting aswell as practice photoshoots and actual photoshoots.
Also I learnt that as you progress with your product the idea of how you want it to turn out can slightly change.
I have learnt how to use photoshop better and also my editing skills have improved very well.
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